Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Esperar. Sólo eso falta. Imaginar una fugaz huida para permanecer latente en estados de constituciones débiles. Escuchar accidentados vocablos en idiomas lejanos o dichos apropiadamente en lenguas muertas. Combinar sujetos para sustituir las letanías lúgubres de la vida de un único objeto. Ver a través de unos acrílicos gestos la soledad opaca de sus juguetes. Quizá con sus muñecas perforó más deseos sombríos y blandió amargos pesares. Sin embargo, no lloró. No estaba triste. Su sonrisa era el residuo arenoso de una posición. Quizá existía en su boca un sabor dulce y ausente, como néctar puro de frutas salvajes. Alguien discutía con las ventanas de hielo y sumía su llanto en pesados bloques hundidos. Y él no miraba. Se hallaba a sí mismo irremediablemente sólo sin sentir su presencia en la misma jaula de cartílagos y huesos.

Deftones - Lucky you)

Lucky you

They'll come soon
I keep waiting
and I wait
won't somebody save me

And if you're feeling lucky
come and take me home
and if you feel loved
if you feel lucky, if you feel loved
if you feel lucky, if you feel loved

You've crossed the walls excelled
further along through their hell
all for my heart, I watch you kill
you always have, you always will

Now spread your wings and sail out to me
now spread your wings and sail out to me

So if you're feeling lucky
come and take me home
come and take me home (x4)
yeah if you feel love
if you feel lucky, if you feel loved (x6)

Crossed the walls excelled
further along through their hell
for my heart
I watch you kill
you always have
you always will

You always have and always will
you always have
you always will
spread your wings and sail out to me

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Some songs again

If me ha puesto una tarea en días pasados. Ya había hecho este trabajo, pero ahora hay algunos cambios. Me gusta descubrir que cada vez son cambios más y más positivos. Me hacía falta una confrontación tan agradable como ésta. La tarea se la voy a pasar a Piter, Borja y a Principito.

Bases del juego:

1. Cambia el nombre por el tuyo donde dice "cuestionario hecho por"
2. Elige tu banda, grupo o cantante favorito y responde a las preguntas solo con títulos de sus canciones.
3. Escoge a 2 personas para que sigan el juego sin olvidar avisarles que han sido elegidos.


1. Invitado al meme por: if
2. Cuestionario hecho por: vylia
3. Banda o grupo o cantante elegido: lo saben, Placebo

Aquí va:

1. Eres hombre o mujer: Lady of the flowers (sigo siendo la misma)

It seemed to last for hours,
it seemed to last for days,
this lady of the flowers,
and her hypnotic gaze

She wears her tears on her blouse,
confused and racked with self-doubt,
she stole the keys to my house,
and then she locked herself out

2. Describete: In the cold light of morning (aunque todavía trato de romper el molde)

In the cold light of morning while everyone is yawning you're high
in the cold light of morning the party gets boring, you're high
as your skin starts to scratch and wave yesterdays action goodbye
forget past indiscretions and stolen possessions you're high
in the cold light

3. Qué sienten las personas cerca de ti: Meds (¿será que ya encontraron el espacio?)

I was confused by the powers that be,
forgetting names and faces
passersby were looking at me
as if they could erase it

Baby did you forget to take your meds?
baby did you forget to take your meds?

4. Cómo te sientes: Narcoleptic (aún hay veinte años de historia)

Slip and stumble at my first offences

it's not treason, it's no lie
you talk in paragraphs
I write my sentence
it's not treason, it's no lie

It seems a place for us to dream
it seems a place for us to dream

5. Cómo describirías tu anterior relación sentimental: I know (aún me rodean los fantasmas)

I know, you love the song but not the singer,
I know, you've got me wrapped around your finger,
I know, you want the sin without the sinner,
I know, I know

6. Describe tu actual relación: Every you every me (la verdad creí que jamás iba a sentirme atraída de esta forma por alguien... es extraño y me encanta)

Sucker love is heaven sent
you pucker up, our passion's spent
my heart's a tart, your body's rent
my body's broken, yours is bent

Carve your name into my arm
instead of stressed, I lie here charmed
cuz there's nothing else to do,
every me and every you

7. Dónde quisieras estar ahora: English summer rain (quiero, quiero, quiero)

Always stays the same, nothing ever changes,
english summer rain seems to last for ages
always stays the same, nothing ever changes,
english summer rain seems to last for ages

I'm in the basement, you're in the sky,
I'm in the basement baby, drop on by
I'm in the basement, you're in the sky,
I'm in the basement baby, drop on by

8. Cómo eres respecto al amor: The crawl (siempre plasticine)

It takes the pain away
that could not make you stay
it's way to broke to fix
no glue, no bag of tricks

Lay me down
the lie will unfurl
lay me down to crawl

9. Cómo es tu vida: Eyesight to the blind (no es lo más importante, sólo existe como un suspiro extinto)

You don't know me
and you never hold me
like your little piece on the side
my mother told me
that you're never lonely
when you're laughing, all the time...

You don't know me
and you never hold me
like your little boy in blue
my father told me
that you're always lonely
when they're all laughing at you

10. Qué pedirías si tuvieras sólo un deseo: Bulletproof cupid (no tiene letra, no tiene nada... por eso lo pediría)

11. Escribe una cita o frase famosa: "Fans like our music probably because as bands we explore the darker side of human emotions. It's honest and it touches a great deal of people. The three of us growing up always felt like outsiders, and to a certain degree, Placebo's music is "by outsiders, for outsiders." When you come to a Placebo gig it can seem to be a convention of outcasts."

12. Ahora despídete: Remember me whenever noses start to bleed.

Monday, September 18, 2006


Siento mis pies fríos. Como si pudieran reflejar su valentía. Están helados y al contacto del suelo se vuelven tibios. Mi corazón puede sentir sus reacciones y olvidarlas. Últimamente he estado distraída. He intentado recorrer esos recuerdos profundos que no tratan de desvanecerse ni de hacerse más fuertes. He intentado recorrer esos recuerdos constantemente. Con un escenario ficticio, armado sobre las ruinas de una celestial existencia, he vuelto a crear los personajes tristes de una historia desquiciada. Lo mantengo vivo. Hablo todos los días con una imagen que sonríe siempre que debo llorar. Renuncio ahora a soñar sueños de muerte roja y violeta con ese ángel especial. Quiero continuar sintiendo mis pies fríos. Quiero sentir que es débil su valentía. Examino en mi memoria sus miradas recurrentes y profundas que hacen conmigo lo que mis ojos hacen a los demás. Me enamoraría entonces de las pupilas artistas de las cenizas del mar si pudiera descifrar la tenue línea de sus deambulantes párpados.

Lifehouse - Everything)


Find me here and speak to me
I want to feel you, I need to hear you
you are the light that's leading me
to the place where I find peace again

You are the strength that keeps me walking
you are the hope that keeps me trusting
you are the life to my soul
you are my purpose, you're everything

And how can I stand here with you
and not be moved by you?
would you tell me how could it be
any better than this? (ahh yeahhh)

You calm the storms and you give me rest
you hold me in your hands, you won't let me fall
you steal my heart and you take my breath away
would you take me in, would you take me deeper now

And how can I stand here with you
and not be moved by you?
would you tell me how could it be
any better than this?

And how can I stand here with you
and not be moved by you?
would you tell me how could it be
any better than this?

'Cause you're all I want, you're all I need
you're everything, everything
you're all I want, you're all I need
you're everything, everything
you're all I want, you're all I need
you're everything, everything
you're all I want, you're all I need
everything, everything

When how can I stand here with you
and not be moved by you?
would you tell me how could it be
any better than this?

Oh and how can I stand here with you
and not be moved by you?
would you tell me how could it be
any better, any better than this?

And how can I stand here with you
and not be moved by you?
would you tell me how could it be
any better than this?

Would you tell me how could it be
any better than this?

Friday, September 08, 2006


Ella estaba en silencio. Miraba fijamente hacia un punto. Realmente me miraba a mí. A través del espacio la luz se difuminaba entregando a su silueta una tenue cobertura. Parecía un ángel. Sonrió. Pasó sólo un segundo antes de escuchar la aprobación y le di la espalda. Me gusta recrear el momento, por eso miro tu fotografía todos los días. La miro siempre antes de irme a estudiar. Y ella me recibe cuando llego por las noches. En ese entonces te convertiste en actor de mi historia. Fuiste el protagonista de mi tragedia. Si pudieras saberlo ahora, creerías que es injusto. Porque tú estás muerto y yo no. Mi tragedia, adorado recuerdo, consistió en dejarte partir. No en seguir viva o haber perdido la memoria. Es curioso que pocas son las personas que recuerdo, pero tu foto sigue ahí. Ella me saluda y se despide. Y de la pregunta que me hiciste: ¿Dónde estoy?, te doy la respuesta: Eres un ángel, estás en el cielo y tengo tu imagen tallada en una pared de mi habitación. Es mi forma de mantener atrapada tu esencia en el umbral de mi intimidad.

Blind Melon - No rain)

No rain

All I can say is that my life is pretty plain
I like watchin' the puddles gather rain
and all I can do is just pour some tea for two
and speak my point of view
but it's not sane, it's not sane

I just want some one to say to me, oh oh oh oh
I'll always be there when you wake
you know I'd like to keep my cheeks dry today
so stay with me and I'll have it made

And I don't understand why I sleep all day
and I start to complain that there's no rain
and all I can do is read a book to stay awake
and it rips my life away, but it's a great escape
escape, escape, escape

All I can say is that my life is pretty plain
you don't like my point of view
you think I'm insane
its not sane, it's not sane

I just want some one to say to me, oh oh oh oh
I'll always be there when you wake
you know I'd like to keep my cheeks dry today
so stay with me and I'll have it made
and I'll have it made,
and I'll have it made,
and I'll have it made

Friday, September 01, 2006

Evolución retraída

Es la soledad que apacigua mis horas la ausencia de tu retrato. No pareces más fuego. Ahora solamente existen restos de ti. Ya no me consuela la luminosidad de tu espíritu, ni la pureza de su alma. Me haces daño, todo el tiempo. Supongo que disfrutas mis penas y mis angustias porque deben darte fuerza. Continúa castigándome, lo entenderé. Explícame ahora qué eres, qué te han hecho. Dame tiempo, verdugo mío, ocúltate tras las sombras que amas. Luego, si quieres, vuelve a aparecer en mis inquietos sueños, y quémame.

No Doubt - Dark blue)

Dark blue

I'm tired
from exploring you
I'm sorry
you've had some scary days
I'm lucky
they had me on a leash
sometimes you frighten me

And it's too bad
you're so sad
I wish you could have had what I had

I'm loathing
most of your history
but then you siphon me
your potential,
well I'll indulge in that
violent timing
explains the aftermath

And it's too bad
you're so sad
I wish you could have had what I had
and it's so sad
it's too bad
maybe I can make you feel better
oh maybe I'm supposed to make you feel better

I want to comfort you
I want to comfort you
I want to comfort you

Unlike you
I had it easy
you're dark blue
stained from previous days

And it's so sad
it's too bad
I wish you could have had what I had
and it's too bad
you're so sad
maybe I can make you feel better

I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I want to comfort you
I want to comfort you