Le pedí a Lady Blue participar en esta cadena. Me llamó la atención mucho, hace tiempo quería hacer algo de este estilo. La idea es que se elije un cantante o grupo que les guste y se responden a las preguntas con títulos de sus canciones. El que quiera participar, avíseme. La invitación es abierta.
Como se imaginarán, pondré canciones de Placebo. Debido a la profundidad de las letras, pongo específicamente las palabras con las cuales me identifico.
Como se imaginarán, pondré canciones de Placebo. Debido a la profundidad de las letras, pongo específicamente las palabras con las cuales me identifico.

1. Eres hombre o mujer: Lady of the flowers
It seemed to last for hours,
it seemed to last for days,
this lady of the flowers,
and her hypnotic gaze
She wears her tears on her blouse,
confused and racked with self-doubt,
she stole the keys to my house,
and then she locked herself out
2. Descríbete: Summer's gone
Kitty your face so forsaken
crushed by the way that you cry
kitty your face so forsaken
what a surprise
You try to break the mould
before you get too old
you try to break the mould
before you die
3. Qué sienten las personas acerca de ti: Passive aggressive
Every time I rise I see you falling
can you find me space inside your bleeding heart
every time I rise I see you falling
can you find me space, find me space
4. Cómo te sientes tú mismo: Twenty years
There are twenty years to go
we're faithful and alone
best of sorts, the broken heart bestowed
There are twenty years to go
punch drunk and we blow
the worse the start, the mercy parts the phone
5. Cómo describirías tu anterior relación sentimental: Sleeping with ghosts
it's okay
dry your eye
dry your eye
soulmate dry your eye
dry your eye
soulmate dry your eye
'cause soulmates never die
6. Describe tu relación actual con tu novio(a) o pretendiente: My sweet prince
Never thought I'd get any higher
never thought you'd fuck with my brain
never thought all this could expire
never thought you'd go break the chain
7. Tu sueño más elaborado: Every you every me
Sucker love is heaven sent
you pucker up, our passion's spent
my heart's a tart, your body's rent
my body's broken, yours is bent
Carve your name into my arm
instead of stressed, I lie here charmed
cuz there's nothing else to do,
every me and every you
8. Dónde quisieras estar ahora: English summer rain
Always stays the same, nothing ever changes,
english summer rain seems to last for ages
always stays the same, nothing ever changes,
english summer rain seems to last for ages
I'm in the basement, you're in the sky,
I'm in the basement baby, drop on by
I'm in the basement, you're in the sky,
I'm in the basement baby, drop on by
9. Qué pedirías si tuvieras sólo un deseo: Special needs
Remember me when you're the one who's silver screened
remember me when you're the one you'd always dreamed
remember me whenever noses start to bleed
remember me special needs
10. Cómo eres respecto al amor: Plasticine
Beauty lies inside the eye
of another youthful dream
that doesn't sell its soul for self-esteem
that's not plasticine
Beauty lies inside desire
and every wayward heart redeemed
that doesn't sell its soul for self-esteem
that's not plasticine
11. Cómo eres respecto a la soledad: The crawl
It takes the pain away
that could not make you stay
it's way to broke to fix
no glue, no bag of tricks
Lay me down
the lie will unfurl
lay me down to crawl
12. Cómo es tu vida: Eyesight to the blind
You don't know me
and you never hold me
like your little piece on the side
my mother told me
that you're never lonely
when you're laughing, all the time...
You don't know me
and you never hold me
like your little boy in blue
my father told me
that you're always lonely
when they're all laughing at you
13. Tu recuerdo más latente: The bitter end
Every step we take that's synchronized
every broken bone
reminds me of the second time
that I followed you home
14. Una imagen triste: Running up that hill
You don't want to hurt me,
but see how deep the bullet lies
unaware that I'm tearing you asunder
there is thunder in our hearts, baby
so much hate for the ones we love?
tell me, we both matter, don't we?
15. Una imagen del futuro: Protège moi
C'est le malaise du moment
l'épidémie qui s'étend
la fête est finie on descend
les pensées qui glaces la raison
paupières baissées, visage gris
surgissent les fantômes de notre lit
on ouvre le loquet de la grille
du taudit qu'on appelle maison
16. Escribe una cita o una frase sabia: I feel very comfortable with the way I look, and I feel very comfortable with the kind of confusion that it creates in people's minds.
17. Ahora despídete: Remember me whenever noses start to bleed.
Mis invitados: Nika, Mentally Insane, Amnesiac
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