Seb me invitó a uno de esos juegos que me gustan mucho. Cosas de música. A ver cómo me va con esto...If your life was a movie, what would the soundtrack be?
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every event, type the song that’s playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don’t lie and try to pretend you’re cool…
Opening Credits: Goo Goo Dolls - Become. Buen comienzo. Supongo que es bastante adecuada, porque aunque el tiempo no ha sido del todo perfecto, es algo que promete mucho.
For so long I tried to reach you
I know I'm almost there
I'm close enough for you to see
that you've been hiding in the shadows
have you forgotten how we used to dream
well let me remind you
the light doesn't blind you at all
it just helps you see, can you see?
yeah you have become
yeah you have become beautiful
Waking up: The Smashing Pumpkins - Daphne descends. Durante todo el día tenía esta canción metida en la cabeza. Las señales indican mucha decisión para poder salir adelante a pesar de todo. Tal vez hasta tienen demasiado misticismo desde el comienzo.
It's the perfect hassle for the perfumed kiss
he makes you miss him more than home
you love him, you love him more than this
you love him and you cannot, you can't resist
you love him, you love him for yourself
you love him and no one, no one else
First day of college: R.E.M. - Imitation of life. Me recuerda una escena de esas que quieres extirpar de tu cabeza. El anuncio a grandes voces de que nada de lo que hice fue por casualidad.
Like a Friday fashion show
teenager freezing in the corner
trying to look like you don't try
that sugarcane that tasted good
that's cinnamon, that's Hollywood
come on, come on
no one can see you try
no one can see you cry
Falling in love: Denali - Relief. Me he quedado sin palabras. Hasta ahora, nada más cierto que esto.
Relief mark out any thing that takes no time
failure fails when nice is one more lie
wait a while for me to be ready
ready for the last snow
I stayed, no one no one I stayed
no one, no feeling in my toes
walk on, move or I may implode
this is not called relief, at last I swallowed
I stayed, no one no one I stayed
no one no one I stayed, I stayed
Kiss scene: Silverchair - World upon your shoulders. Y yo que me imaginaba que había sido menos agresiva...
Violent, big and violent
you're like a thing that's big and violent
a world that's big and violent
when you're not feeling nothing
the world's not too much
take the world upon your shoulders
take the world upon your shoulders
and burn, burn, burn, burn, burn
take the world upon your shoulders
Fight Song: The Smashing Pumpkins - Annie - dog. No me gusta mucho pelear, pero no niego que lo he hecho algunas pocas veces. Y Annie es un lindo nombre.
And below, the angel dog,
combs her hair and sings her psalms
the bombs go off, she doesn't notice
it all goes wrong, she sets things tragic
she is venus, she is mars,
she's electric and the struggle of
upon her face we leave no trace
Breaking up: Placebo - The bitter end. (M2, voy a terminar creyendo que de verdad mi ángel invade muchas cosas). La canción es demasiado perfecta. Menos mal tengo un testigo.
Every step we take that's synchronized,
every broken bone
reminds me of the second time
that I followed you home
you shower me with lullabies
as you're walking away
reminds me that it's killing time
on this fateful day
see you at the bitter end,
see you at the bitter end
Graduating college: Alanis Morissette - That I would be good. No creo que haya sido un día triste, de esos que se quisieran recordar, sino más bien uno de esos que al pasar sólo se llevan una carga. Sería una buena réplica de mi vida y creo que aquí va.
That I would be good even if I did nothing
that I would be good even if I got the thumbs down
that I would be good if I got and stayed sick
that I would be good even if I gained ten pounds
that I would be fine even if I went bankrupt
that I would be good if I lost my hair and my youth
that I would be great if I was no longer queen
that I would be grand if I was not all knowing
My big break: Placebo - Pierrot the clown. Ay no. Que tristeza, voy a terminar herida por un tipo al que le gustan las máscaras. Ojalá no sea tan terrible como podría parecer.
Leave me dreaming on the bed,
see you right back here tomorrow for the next round
keep the scene inside your head,
as the bruises turn to yellow swelling goes down
and if you're ever around in the city or the suburbs of this town
make sure to come around I'll be wallowing in sorrow
and wearing a frown like Pierrot the clown
Mental breakdown: Denali - Real heat. Buen tema para un desorden mental. Tal vez lo memorice desde ahora.
I can go with the thought
everlasting sore at some
not a joke not for long
take a breath, persistence can wrong
stop slow, I could go on and on
stop slow, I could go on and on
cause I've done well or second guess myself
Driving song: Denali - Gunner. Se supone que iba a estar conduciendo tranquilamente, pero no, voy a estar huyendo de un psicópata que seguramente era compañero de desorden mental. Y ni siquiera huyendo, sino haciendo hasta lo imposible para que me entienda que me quiero sentir libre.
There is no color here
I'll wait one more minute for you
I suppose I might leave cause I can see
cause I can see him, I see my killer
Flashback: Shudder to Think - Hot one. Espero que no se refiera a James. Soportaría verme a mí encarretada con un demonio si no fuera en
flashback. En cambio, estaría encantada si hubiera tenido que ser condenada por brujería por un buen caballero. Es la misma actualidad, sólo que al revés.
Well, you're the grand one, have you noticed?
when you walk in all the fairy boys are very nervous
well, my starship doesn't want me and neither does his world
I'm glad I caught you on my view screen, sailor
you're the grand one, come and court me
'cause this wooing is what I'm wanting
when my spacesuit comes to warm me and hold me like a God
I am the captain of the gravity, Maxwell
everywhere I see your faces
Getting back together: The Venus in Furs - Bitter - Sweet. No hay mucho para rescatar aquí. Todo se va lejos y allá se queda. A lo mejor es una prueba más de mi radicalidad.
Well, this is such a sad affair
I've opened up my heart so many times
but now it's closed
oh my dear, every salted tear, it wrings
bitter-sweet applause
Wedding: Belle & Sebastian - To be myself completely. No creo que quiera renunciar a la felicidad envuelta en vivencias totales. Sin embargo, es un desenlace inesperado, que no deja de sorprender.
Well my heart has fallen down
thought I'd talked myself around
but to be myself completely I've just got to let you down
well I knew I'd say goodbye
though it's not my time to cry
and forever and for no one I will let it all go by
and to be myself completely I've just got to say goodbye
Birth of child: Snow Patrol - Chasing cars. Sí, quiero bebés. Y no sólo uno. Y también quiero sentirme acompañada. Y también sentirme yo misma, sin dudas, sin miedos. Y olvidar a veces en dónde estoy.
We'll do it all, everything on our own
we don't need anything or anyone
if I lay here, if I just lay here
would you lie with me and just forget the world
I don't quite know how to say, how I feel
those three words, are said too much, they're not enough
if I lay here, if I just lay here
would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Paying dues: Placebo - Burger queen. Meditaré al respecto.
Slightly bemused by the total rejection, hey you, hey you
came to this world by caesarean section, hey you, hey you
dreams of a place with a better selection, hey you, hey you
dreams of a face that is pure perfection, hey you
things aren't what they seem luxemburger Queen
luxemburger Queen, luxemburger Queen,
he's a Burger Queen
Moment of triumph: David Bowie - Five years. Que tema tan adecuado. No creo que nadie llegue a sentirse triunfador sin saberse apoyado por muchas personas. No conocemos a los demás por casualidad. De ninguna forma.
I heard telephones, opera house, favourite melodies
I saw boys, toys electric irons and T.V.'s
my brain hurt like a warehouse, it had no room to spare
I had to cram so many things to store everything in there
and all the fat-skinny people, and all the tall-short people
and all the nobody people, and all the somebody people
I never thought I'd need so many people
Final battle: Placebo - In the cold light of morning. Moriré congelada. Eso dirán los astros, si es que algún día hablan por fin.
In the cold light of morning while everyone is yawning you're high
in the cold light of morning the party gets boring, you're high
as your skin starts to scratch and wave yesterdays action goodbye
forget past indiscretions and stolen possessions you're high
in the cold light
Death scene: Saybia - I surrender. Me entregaré a ella sin problemas. Eso parece y suena bien para mí.
There's only one bridge left for me
my heart is almost free
beautiful by my side
but all I think about is you
and tonight I'm letting go
about to give in
I surrender myself
into the arms of a beautiful stranger
I surrender myself to you - to you
Funeral scene: Radiohead - Karma police. Me reservo absolutamente todas las impresiones de este futuro (y espero lejano) evento.
Karma police, I've given all I can
it's not enough, I've given all I can
but we're still on the payroll
this is what you get, this is what you get
this is what you get when you mess with us
End credits: Muse - Soldier's poem. Applause. Un excelente y delicado final.
Throw it all away, let's lose ourselves
'cause theres no one left for us to blame
it's a shame we're all dying
and do you think you deserve your freedom
how could you send us all far away from home
when you know damn well that this is all?
I would still lay down my life for you
and do you think you deserve your freedom?
no, I don't think you do
there's no justice in the world
there's no justice in the world
and there never was